It was a long flight from Auckland to Singapore - especially with 5 pieces of hand luggage! (and having to get off in Brisbane) but it really was great spending the week with Tracey and Andre.
The next part of the journey wasn't too strenuous - except there was no Business lounge for Armavir in Dubai. Don't think I have ever seen so many people lying on the floor in an airport! At least they had nice big toilets with a change table (Yes!!!)
It was wonderful seeing Pete again. He looked so smart and clean too - made me feel a bit self-conscious after travelling for a few hours! Fortunately he was most interested in how little Logan was no longer quite so little!
So - my impressions of Armenia so far? It's very different. The weather is lovely dry and warm (well 38 degrees yesterday!) It's quite dusty and very lively on the streets. People drive like maniacs (including recent ex-pats!!) The people are lovely and infatuated with Logan (tho - says proud Mum - who isn't?)
We went to the markets on Saturday... kept thinking of my Mum who would be in seventh heaven. Its the end of the apricot season but there are peaches the size of baseballs, and figs and sweet sweet grapes and plums. And heaps of other fruit I have not seen before. The fruit cost around $2 a kilo too - and we were probably overcharged!
The apartment is huge. Two massive lounges big kitchen and dining and balcony. Our ensuite is bigger than a lot of bedrooms and we have aircon. Along with cable and a water cooler makes life a lot easier. If only we had a mobile interpreter!! We have part-time help which is great too - but they don't speak any English at all so it can get interesting. Armenians love babies and they love to tell me what I should do with Logan - even in Armenian. I know it is cultural but it can get very frustrating!
So today - when Logan wakes - we are going for a big walk around the square. I will take my guidebook because eveyone knows I am a tourist anyway and we will report back! I will try and take a photo too.